Inspired By

BPG Member Call for Entry
“Inspired By”

The March BPG program will be a concept similar to the “Meet the Members” format that we
have enjoyed over the years. The difference for the March program is that emphasis will be
placed on the inspiration behind the work various members show. That inspiration might be
drawn from a person, an event, a workshop, a place, a book, a new technique, etc.

What is inspiration?
Inspiration – the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something,
especially to do something creative.

What does it mean to be inspired by?
Inspired by – something that makes someone want to do something or that
gives someone an idea about what to do or create. A force or influence that
inspires someone.

An invitation to the membership to answer the Call for Entry:
We are seeking BPG members who are interested in showing some of their images and are
willing to briefly discuss the inspiration behind the images to respond to this Call for Entry.

How to answer the Call for Entry:
Send an email to with the following information:
1. A brief description of your source of inspiration.
2. Send 3 sample images that represent the images you would include to share with
the membership.
3. Deadline for entry: 12 pm, February 10, 2018

If selected:
1. Be responsible for a portion of the BPG March program. Specific details will be
distributed to the members who are selected.

The selection process:
1. Selections will be made by Sue Henry.
2. In addition to quality of work, diversity of work and source of inspiration will be a
3. Effort will be made to put together a group of photographers and photographs that
be INSPIRATIONAL to the membership for the March BPG meeting.
Putting one’s work ‘out there’ and hearing reactions to one’s work can be very rewarding. Also
rewarding is sharing knowledge with others and knowing you possibly will inspire others while
making a short presentation. Think of this as one way to give back to BPG.

Through this program we believe the membership will get better acquainted with several of our
members, see some interesting photography, AND learn various sources of inspiration.

We see this as a ‘win-win’ for all.

Questions? Contact Sue Henry